Because life isn’t a rehearsal
Tailor made hypnotherapy in Nottingham
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions that I haven’t answered. There is no such thing as a silly question as i would have asked it before!! I would love to add anything else to this page to help others if you want to ask me via email or my Facebook page
How much is a session?
A single session is £80.00
Depending on the issue we may need to have more than one session, I strongly recommend that you purchase a programme.
The Fullchange Programme + which is 5 sessions at £355.37 following a specific healing process. This is specific to Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, CPTSD, Grief and Trauma Release
The MisoGo! Programme is specific to relief with Misophonia. 5 sessions is also £355.37
Single sessions can add stress to a client’s experience as they are so set on the change they struggle to relax. The Fullchange saves you money and allows you to become absorbed into the session as we follow a specific process. The MisoGo! Programme needs more than one session.
What is the Fullchange Programme?
The Fullchange Programme is the main programme I focus on, this is 5 sessions which follow a specific healing modality. It consists of a specific journey which we focus on uncovering the root issue, removing the trauma, anger release and forgiveness. We go on a journey and I check in on with my clients daily so there is ongoing support.
Sessions are 45 minutes the non conscious mind tires after this time and not productive.
I have PTSD and have tried EMDR and numerous therapies – can you really help me?
I personally don’t like EMDR or most trauma therapy as it takes you through the actual event to release it. My methods don’t do that and quite often I have seen clients laugh away the trauma as I pride myself on not making it feel like therapy. I have helped over 2000 people now walk away from PTSD. Most of my reviews for the PTSD and CPTSD clients is on my Facebook page
How do I pay for a session?
You can pay by BACS, I do not accept cash. I don’t want it in the house and prefer electronic records for my book keeping due to my insurance etc.
What is the difference between Hypnotherapy and counselling?
Great question! Both use talking techniques but I would describe counselling as dealing with things from the outside in, e.g. current events, external factors affecting things. I think Counselling is much more reactive and although can temporarily relieve emotions, it is unlikely to have a lasting effect. (Until the next session!! Whereas I regard hypnotherapy as fixing things from the inside out, if a block at source is resolved, healed, removed (whichever word you want to choose) then the things that could affect us at surface level tend to have a much lesser impact on because the hypnosis will change your entire neurological landscape
What is hypnosis like?
Do you ever drive home and think how did I get there or day dream when watching the TV? Well that is Hypnosis !!
I would describe targeted hypnosis as like a sleepy day dream – it is very relaxing, very calming and often and usually described by my clients as “really pleasant” contrary to popular belief it is impossible to get stuck in hypnosis. As you are in complete control the entire time, you can’t do anything you don’t want to do and you won’t say anything you don’t want to say. The worst thing that could happen is that you are so deeply relaxed you could fall asleep! I have helped over 800 people and it has never happened yet.
Do you do online sessions?
Absolutely, Hypnotherapy works brilliantly over the internet. I have worked with many international friends from the USA, Canada, Australia and South Africa as well as many wonderful people across the United Kingdom.
Suppose I don’t want to talk about something that comes to mind? Do I relive the experience?
Quite a lot of the time I do Hypnosis in a content free manor and the change still occurs. This means that you don’t even have to talk about the scene in any detail (particularly if traumatic) you are free to manage within the privacy of your own mind. I would simply facilitate and use an array of applications to release the meaning you attached to the event without you needing to re-traumatise yourself at all.
How many sessions will I need?
This is always going to depend on the type of issue, the amount of work that needs doing and the approach we choose together. We need a structured approach to neutralise any misconceptions we have absorbed along the way. I often find that the presenting problem is not usually the main issue and the mind will take us where it needs to go to find a resolution. I suggest the FullChange programme as 99% of my clients do this.
How will I feel after my session?
What a great question! I love it when clients feel lighter and more positive. Sometimes energy release shows itself in many forms. You might feel like you need to drink more water, you might cough more, need to pee more or need a relaxed few days to process. I would say that any form of energy release is positive and your unique bodies way of letting go of an old pattern is a good sign.
Are you going to turn me into a chicken?
I think of Hypnosis and hypnotherapy as two completely different things! Hypnosis is usually used for entertainment purposes, whereas hypnotherapy is extremely respectful of the mind and employs a hypnotic trance to communicate safely with the sub-conscious mind. The best thing to do is to jump on the phone with me where I do all the talking and you don’t have to disclose anything but I explain what Hypnotherapy is and what it isn’t and how and why it works differently to CBT and counselling. Then if you like the sound of it then we can get you booked in for your healing journey.
Can I be hypnotised?
Have you ever cried at a film, or jumped at a scary part in that film? Then you have been hypnotised! The truth is we go in and out of hypnosis numerous times a day. Whenever you day dream of become absorbed in a book, TV programme or within your imagination then you have experienced hypnosis.
What are the working hours?
Mon – Sun 9.00am – 5.30pm – I will always try and accommodate your lifestyle as best I can.
How long are sessions?
Sessions are 45 minutes.
I have tried hypnosis before and failed – why will you be any different? Do you offer a refund if it fails to work?
Hypnosis is a consent state based on trust between the hypnotherapist and the client. It is like a dance that you have to trust the therapist to lead in order to guide you. You have to have rapport with your chosen hypnotherapist, you have to be comfortable and be free of any fears or doubts before entering into the trance state. It could simply be that you had selected the wrong hypnotherapist suitable to you. Payment covers the cost of my time, skillset and application. Some of the responsibility sits with you. You could resist hypnosis but that is not why you are here.
What is your success rate?
Success is difficult to measure accurately but the vast majority of my clients are satisfied with the treatment and care they receive. Quite often we allow the mind to take us the direction it needs to go. If I can’t help a client quite often the unconscious mind will tell us why – such as a current issue in the client’s life is not resolved and must be first before the presenting problem can be removed. Sometimes just this information in itself can lead to resolution as it unlocks a conscious understanding.
Is there parking?
Mindblocks is run from a residential address there is on road parking and a drop kerbed drive to block.
Do you have a toilet for use?
To access the therapy room (which we calling the healing HQ it is accessed via a separate entrance to the house and the toilet is accessible without going through the house etc.
Do you offer payment plans?
Sadly I had to withdraw these after experiencing problems with people not paying and being dishonest despite benefitting from their sessions.
What is your cancellation policy?
I try to be extremely fair when it comes to a cancellation. A cancellation is considered too late when the appointment is cancelled less than 48 hours before the allotted time. I understand that life sometimes gets in the way, but if I have turned others down for you then it is unfair for me to lose money as I have bills to pay too etc. I am as flexible as possible. Booking spontaneous holidays, forgotten parties and days out is absolutely awesome BUT unfairly impacts my business and I will need to cover my costs or deduct a session fee.
If a client is late and I have another client booked in (only) then I will reduce the session time by that amount of time a client is late. Communication in advance is appreciated. I do however normally allow some contingency time. You wouldn’t be late for a doctors appointment and expect it to be there and this is no different. I am running my business to a timed schedule accommodating up to 6 clients a day.
A no-show is when a client misses an appointment without cancelling. In either case, IF I can’t find another client to replace the slot then I will charge the amount of £80 for the session to cover my costs or deduct a session from the Fullchange programme/MisoGo! Programme
What is your refund policy?
In line with your consumer rights, as long as I have more 48 hours I will return any session monies back to the original payee upon request (for any remainder sessions) If I have less than 48 hours but cannot find a client then I will charge £80.00 to cover my costs or use a session slot. If I can find a new client then there will be no cancellation fee. I will try and be as fair in line with the context.
If a customer has paid the full balance for the Fullchange programme but requests a refund then the bulk sessions discount will be removed and sessions will be considered PAYG at £80.00 a session.
The monies left will be reimbursed as long as they are outside of the 48 hour window. Within the 48 hour period there will be no eligibility for a refund as this will cover my costs.
Eg: Fullchange Programme of £280.00. After 3 sessions a requested refund would be £40.00 (£80 * 3 =£240) This will be based on the amount paid at that time and not retrospectively applied to offers, price adjustments etc
Complaint procedure
In the unlikely event that you wish to make a complaint please put this in writing to me at and I will reply within 7 working days. I will always try to rectify any errors or issues. A competent Hypnotherapist will use several skills such a NLP, Havening, Dave Elman, Conversational Hypnotherapy, Regression, Ericksonian therapy and HypNOtherapy (Fullchange Programme) incorporates all of these to be tailored to your specific needs. Hypnotherapy is not regulated and so I highly recommend having an initial consultation chat with your chosen therapist ahead of booking in for your sessions to see if you can relate to it. I will always aim to stay in contact between the sessions and do recommend that you express any concerns as a person’s healing journey is an ongoing process and for a fair representation of my services will take the completion of the Fullchange programme.
Do you do Gift Vouchers? I can do and have offered gift vouchers in the past. My only advice is to make sure that the recipient truly wants the help as opposed to somebody thinking they want to change.
* You deserve to be more than scribbles in a therapist’s notebook…
What have you got to lose?! Yet think what you could GAIN?
or the fastest service, Click here to schedule your FREE 30 Minute Phone Strategy Session – Or via Skype or Zoom If you would like to discuss HypNOtherapy with me in more detail, I would love to hear from you and help you succeed today. Please contact Mindblocks Nottingham Hypnotherapy by completing the filling the above form.
Telephone Mindblocks Nottingham Hypnotherapy on 0115 772 007 5 Your privacy is important to me, and your information will never be shared or sold